Some days I am optimistic - I see the glass half full... ...other days I think I am never able to accomplish anything and the glass is definitely half empty!
Trust me girl - that looks great on both sides! You should see MY garage!! LOL! It is still piled high with boxes from the move that haven't been sorted out yet, plus the garage stuff, plus the shed stuff, plus the business stockroom, plus the business packing area, plus the freezer and recycling boxes. All of that in an area of a one car garage!!! Just imagine the mess - you'll feel better about yours. Comparing my garage to yours - your glass in not only half full - it is half full of champagne compared to my glass which has the bottom smashed out of it right now! LOL! Love ya! - Debs
I have long since realized that I am not a photographer. I have many friends that take AMAZING photos. Some of them have picture-a-day blogs or sites. While they are fabulous, that is not my goal. I like that they take pictures of me and my family! What I hope to accomplish with this new blog is two things.
1. I want to document what happens in my family. I realize that there are really months...missing from our photo library. And what little pictures there are are locked on my computer. Many things in my life that I am trying to improve (reading my Bible, exercising, eating right, cleaning my house) are things that require me to work at them day by day. This is no different.
2. Many days I struggle to ENJOY my family. They are a lot of work! I have felt like God was encouraging me to ENJOY them for several months and I just didn't know how to. I hope that by taking more pictures I will be able to see some of the enjoyment. That even those pouty faces really are sweet.
So this new blog is my version of a picture-a-day. Since I am afraid of failure, it is very scary to do this project. I don't want to get to day 46 and discover that I forgot 43, 44, & 45! So there may be many late night, last minute pictures of sleeping children...but they are definitely sweet then!!
***UPDATE: Yup, failed, but that is goal: a picture a week...
Trust me girl - that looks great on both sides! You should see MY garage!! LOL! It is still piled high with boxes from the move that haven't been sorted out yet, plus the garage stuff, plus the shed stuff, plus the business stockroom, plus the business packing area, plus the freezer and recycling boxes. All of that in an area of a one car garage!!! Just imagine the mess - you'll feel better about yours. Comparing my garage to yours - your glass in not only half full - it is half full of champagne compared to my glass which has the bottom smashed out of it right now! LOL! Love ya! - Debs